

When a tooth is fractured, has a large, old leaking filling, or is severely damaged by decay, a crown may be recommended as the best treatment for your tooth. Crowns can strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure and can improve the appearance of your bite and smile. Types of crowns include full porcelain crowns, porcelain fused to metal crowns and all metal crowns.

At least two visits are usually required for a crown procedure. At the initial visit, the tooth is prepared and shaped. If decay is present, it is removed at this visit. Often a protective base or build-up is required if the tooth has lost structure due to decay or fracture. An impression is taken of the prepared tooth and a temporary crown is made to be worn while the permanent crown is being created by our professional Dental Laboratory.

At your next visit , the dentist removes the temporary crown, fi ts and adjusts the final crown, and cements or bonds the crown into place .

With good oral hygiene, diet and home care, a crown can provide excellent restoration of your tooth for years to come.